extreme views - tradução para
Dicionário Online

extreme views - tradução para

Xg2; Extreme g2; Extreme G 2; Extreme-G2; Extreme G XG2; Extreme-G XG2; Extreme-G2 XG2; Extreme G-2
  • A screenshot of ''Extreme-G 2'' gameplay on [[Nintendo 64]] and [[Microsoft Windows]].

rare event         
  • Extreme value theory is used to model the risk of extreme, rare events, such as the [[1755 Lisbon earthquake]].
Extreme-value theory; Extremal statistics; Extreme value analysis; Rare event; Extreme value statistics
seltener Vorfall, ungewöhnlicher Vorfall
extreme views      
extreme Ansichten
extrem linkseingestellt      
extremist left, group of people holding extremely liberal political views


1) to go to an extreme (to go from one extreme to the other)
2) at an extreme (at the other extreme)
3) in the extreme ('extremely')


Extreme-G 2

Extreme-G 2, also known as Extreme G: XG2, is a racing video game developed by Probe Entertainment and published by Acclaim Entertainment for Nintendo 64 and Microsoft Windows. It is the sequel to Extreme-G and is followed by Extreme-G 3.

Exemplos de pronúncia para extreme views
1. These are extreme views.
Shiller _ Talks at Google
2. a religious republic of extreme views.
Age of Discovery _ Professor Ian Goldin _ Talks at Google
3. might be normalizing some of the more extreme views of the far
Going Dark - The Secret Social Lives of Extremists _ Julia Ebner _ Talks at Google
4. That book have some extreme views, but it does help a lot.
_ Shalane Flanagan & Elyse Kopecky _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para extreme views
1. Others say he held extreme views and could preach aggressively.
2. He is a man who has the most violent and extreme views.
3. Not all his followers in the Washington suburbs shared such extreme views.
4. The government committee conducting the talks seeks to moderate extreme views, he said.
5. The men in question were thrown out of the organisation last May for holding extreme views.